who we are

Jakob Wehrmann

Jakob Wehrmann
manages edelbytes with a combination of intuition and negotiating finesse. As a qualified cameraman he’s collected experience on sets from South- America to Eastern Europe and brings his trained eye to each project. Responsible for organisation and everything contractual, he’ll assist you during the entire time-frame. Customers value his razor sharp insticts and talent for realising even the wishes they were afraid to budget for.

Alastair Owen

Alastair Owen
is the answer to your problems in questions of technology and content. Having grown-up together with the digital picture technology he has a sure instinct for the essential component of your job. Owen will happily solder a multi-plane pcb whilst brewing a pot of tea to calm those on-set nerves, which makes him the ideal partner to do business with. Bases: London, Manchester, Berlin

Katrin Naglitsch

Katrin Naglitsch
bringt als Mediengestalterin für Bild und Ton fundiertes Fachwissen und aus dem Ruppiner Land ordentlich Humor ins Haus. Ihrem Berufswunsch Cutter steht unserer Meinung nach nichts im Wege ausser Überqualifizierung. Neben Grafik, Schnitt und Bildbearbeitung hat sie das Social Media Management übernommen und kümmert sich auch sonst mit Hingabe und Feingefühl um die inner-sozialen Belange der Firma.